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#ID 240509090442 Bewerberprofil vom 09.05.2024

Eckdaten zum Bewerber

Der Bewerber sucht
Stelle als Werkstudent/in

Qualifikation / Studium

Interdisciplinary Mathematics
Hochschule / Universität
Doing Joint European Masters in Interdisciplinary Mathematics
Höchster akademischer Abschluss als
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
Fachrichtung / Vertiefung
Straßenbau, Verkehrsingenieurwese, Konstruktiver Ingenieurbau, Wasserbau, Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Baubetrieb, Hochbau, Fahrzeugtechnik, Signaltechnik, Nachrichtentechnik, Verkehrstelematik, Andere (bitte unter Nr. 4 benennen)
Qualifizierte Berufs-/Vorerfahrung als Bauingenieur/in
Öffentlicher Dienst


As for myself, my name is Habib Ali and I am from Pakistan. Currently, I am pursuing a Master's degree in Interdisciplinary Mathematics as a student of the Erasmus Mundus Program. At the moment, I am working on my thesis which is expected to be completed by September 2024. I am also looking for job positions online to start my professional career. My relevant coursework includes Computational Methods in Biomedical Imaging (Python, Julia), Numerical Modelling Training (C, Python), Advanced Machine Learning and Inelegant Systems in Medicine (Python), and Foundations of Applied Mathematics (Mathematical Modeling). In terms of training and certifications, I have completed Introduction to Microsoft Excel, Introduction to Programming with MATLAB, AutoCAD (although I did this course for learning purposes only), WordPress, Graphic Design, and Freelancing. My skills include programming languages such as MATLAB, Python, Julia, C, and Latex. I have also gained proficiency in concepts such as Image Processing, Medical Imaging, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, and many more. Additionally, I possess digital skills such as Information and Data Literacy, Communication and Collaboration, Digital Content Creation, Safety, and Problem-Solving, all of which I have passed at level 6/6 in the Europass tests. Furthermore, I am proficient in languages such as Urdu and Punjabi (my mother tongue), English (B2), and German (A1). Finally, I have worked part-time jobs as a Volunteer IT Support. In this role, I provide assistance to individuals experiencing issues with computers, mobile devices, and software. My responsibilities include quickly identifying and resolving problems, and each interaction presents an opportunity for me to expand my skill set and develop innovative solutions while providing invaluable support to others.function derivative. Newton-Krylov is to solve for only function input
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